Certificate Course In Music Appreciation & Journalism

Certificate Course In Music Appreciation & Journalism

The objective of this course is to develop the understanding and appreciation of Hindustani Classical music as performed today, among interested listeners. The course also aims at encouraging the journalism in music by providing useful instructions and understanding to those having flair for creative and descriptive writing.

The general objective is to help the development of understanding and appreciation of music in society and also to endeavour to create informed and learned audience for enhanced and high-quality performance of music.

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Key Information


The Syllabi in the various subjects prescribed for the certificate course in Music Appreciation and Journalism are as under: -


Basic forms and their definitions and meanings – Musical sound and its properties – Swara and Laya interplay – Swara and Alankara – Laya and Layakari.

Raga and Tal compositions – rules of compositions. Compositions – rules of compositions emerging as entities – moods and expressions Aesthetics of Indian music – Expression styles. Music as performing art – Music and other disciplines, Humanities, science etc.

History of Indian Music

Origin of music- Evolution and development of Indian through various ages and stages prevedic period, Ancient and Vedic Period, Medieval Period, Muslim Period, Modern Period.

Folk Music and Art Music- Hindustani & Karnataki Music bifurcation styles.


Music as performing art – performer vis- vis audience – Learning and expression- communication – personality and personal interpretation. Forms styles traditions in Music their aesthetics.

Practice and Grammar

Introduction to Ragas – That’s Basic Ragas – Grammar of Ragas - Shuddha and Mishra Ragas – Raag Moods – Raga and Time – Laya and Moods – Technical – Criteria of Grammar – technical expressions- Technical vista vis artistic excellence. Vocal and Instrumental techniques – Dhrupad Dhamar Khyal Thumri Tappa, Tarana, Geet, Ghazal, types of compositions Instrumental Music compositions.


  • A candidate for being eligible for admission to the certificate course in Music Composition and Direction must have passed H.S.C. The eligible students will be called for interview & admission will be given to student who pass in the interview.
  • No age limit criteria

(About 15 weeks, 5 lectures in Music Appreciation and 10 lectures in Journalism )

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